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Last week, we argued at the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Gerald Groff – our Faithful Carrier. Kelly Shackelford, President CEO and Chief Counsel, and Jeff Mateer, Chief Legal Officer, were in the courtroom when it happened.

Today, they join First Liberty Live! to give exclusive insights on what it’s like inside the courtroom, along with a discussion of the arguments presented in the case.

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April looks to be our biggest month of the year so far as we’re going back to the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Gerald Groff – our Faithful Carrier. When he was forced to quit his job because his religious beliefs weren’t honored by the USPS, First Liberty stepped in to fight for him – and now we’re doing it at our nation’s highest court.

On April 18th at 8:45am CST, we’ll be outside the courtroom to stream the full oral argument. Plus, you’ll hear President, CEO and Chief Counsel, Kelly Shackelford, explain what you’re about to hear inside the courtroom.

We have plenty of other cases and updates across the Institute this month; watch this short message from Kelly Shackelford as he breaks down this month’s action.

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March is set up to be another busy month at First Liberty. We’re defending several first responders in cases that are vitally important to our liberty.

First up is Jacob Kersey, a young police officer from Georgia. Jacob was silenced for sharing his religious beliefs on marriage in a Facebook post and forced to leave his job. FLI has written a demand letter asking his superiors to apologize.

Next is Fire Chief Ron Hittle, a firefighter who served for over 20 years and was fired for attending a leadership conference hosted at a church. His distinguished service didn’t protect him from his anti-faith superiors.

Watch this message from President, CEO and Chief Counsel, Kelly Shackelford as he unpacks this month’s action across the Institute:

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As we enter February, we’re set to face off against the Biden administration in our Navy SEALs case where we are fighting for our Navy soldiers to restore their religious freedom

The oral argument is set for next Monday, February 6th at the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. We’ll be going Live! for a special pre-hearing episode of First Liberty Live!  Immediately following the episode, we’ll play the full oral argument as it happens from the court. You won’t want to miss this special episode.

In addition to our SEALs argument, we’ve got plenty more going on in February – including prepping for our latest U.S. Supreme Court case. Watch this message from President, CEO and Chief Counsel, Kelly Shackelford as he unpacks this month’s action across the Institute.

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As we begin a brand-new year, we want to say thank you to all those who supported First Liberty in our historic 2022. As we gained victory after victory, we couldn’t have done it without your support.

Now, we are set up to have an even bigger 2023. We’ve already secured an early win in New York with our 2nd Amendment case, and we’re poised for even more in the weeks to come.

Now more than ever before, we are winning at the highest level, and we can’t wait to see what God is going to do in 2023. Here’s a short video from President, CEO and Chief Counsel, Kelly Shackelford, unpacking this month across the Institute.

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Right now, there’s hope on the horizon for religious liberty. Over the past six months, we’ve had victory after victory for our First Freedom.

Between our two Supreme Court wins and more yet to come, we’re fighting – and winning – to restore faith across our country.

As we enter the final month in an historic year, we want to take time to reflect on the incredible victories in 2022 and look ahead to what will come in 2023. Watch this short video from our Chief Legal Officer, Jeff Mateer, unpacking what’s happening in December at First Liberty.

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With your help, we can blow open the door on religious freedom in America. Last week, we launched a brand-new initiative called Restoring Faith in America.

This month’s episodes of First Liberty Live! will focus on Restoring Faith and show you some ways First Liberty is on the frontlines of this new wave of freedom.

Watch this short video showing what First Liberty is working on in November!

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First Liberty is excited to announce the launch of our latest project, Restoring Faith in America.

Thanks to our landmark victories at the Supreme Court, thousands of wrongful case decisions can be overruled – and with them come the opportunity to restore faith in communities across the country.

President and CEO, Kelly Shackelford joins us to introduce the project and what you can do to be a part of this effort.

Are you ready to help restore faith in America?  You won’t want to miss this episode!

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We recently won a huge victory for Coach Kennedy at the U.S. Supreme Court. This is a tremendous win for him and for millions of coaches, teachers and public employees across the country.

Kelly Shackelford and Chief Legal Officer Jeff Mateer join First Liberty Live! to break down the decision in detail. They discuss how this ruling will impact the future of religious freedom law in America.

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Watch Coach Kennedy react to his Supreme Court victory! We are celebrating this huge win for religious liberty and unpacking what the SCOTUS opinion means for millions of teachers and coaches across the country.

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In case you missed it, First Liberty won a major victory at the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of families and students across the country in the case Carson v Makin.

FLI’s President and CEO Kelly Shackelford and lead counsel Lea Patterson join Stuart Shepard to unpack this monumental moment for religious liberty on today’s episode of First Liberty Live!

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April 25th marks an historic moment in time. Coach Joe Kennedy is finally getting his day at the Supreme Court. And we’ll be going Live! at the Supreme Court to bring you the uncut oral argument – straight from the Justices themselves.

To listen to argument, fast forward to time stamp 16:46.

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